Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Pink Corset, studded jacket, plaided skirt and (awesome!) black laced boots

Hello everyone! The first actual punk outfit reaches you tooday!
It took me a while to get this one right, simply because I do not really have the most experience in this kind of styling. And how does one find out something one doesn't know? YES - research. So that's what I did and I found that the punk-ish styling isn't actually that hard:the two main ingredients are lots of black and a LOT of metal...also a hint of neon is usually there too. Skirts are usually worn with ripped tights, and the most popular shoe is the big, bulky leather laced boot.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The inevitable post on: the mohawk

You know this post was coming, I knew this post was coming so here it is! :D The post on the mohawk!
Yes, I have long blond hair, yes I've been a girl and acted like one for my whole life and yes-obviously I have had phases where I wanted this kind of hairstyle. It is like with lots of things(like flowers actually!)-cool color, cool shape, no apparent use (apart from looking cool)-I need to have it! Here's my re-interpretation of it on paper :D
xoxo Alex
PS: By the way I think another phase started recently concerning the materials I use. It's tusche and pastel times. I love both of these mediums because you can simple create incredibly effortless looking drawings and there is lots of contrast because the tusche is so hard an permanent while the pastels are softer and more used for toning!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Inspirational Monday-Pretty in Punk

Hi there everyone!
It is Monday so it's time for the next inspirational collage and this week's theme will be Pretty in Pink Punk!
I've always had a great sense of admiration to for Punks because apart from their style being awesome :D, I can identify myself with their ideals of individuality and anti-establishment views. For that you must know that I do not really derive from an enviromnent which is known for it's acceptance of individuals. I've always known what I didn't want though so naturally I am different from the poeple around me. My clothing style for example is well, pretty unique and aparently not everyone at school can deal with it, so I've had to endure some ugly comments (but always some amazing ones too!) for that but considering that the other option is being like everyone else it is a price worth paying.
So thats why I'll dedicate this week to Punk!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Alice in Wonderland special :D

Hi everyone! :D
I'm back from the awesome workshop yesterday and today! Today we did a lot of designing using the inspiration from our moodboards. I love workshops like these because you meet so many awesome people which like the same things as you do and with who you can talk about fashion and design. Also especially in this course there were lots of different people from different age groups who you got to know over time and who could all  provide their own experiences.I think this is an essential part of creative work in fashion-of course it is a lot of indepent work in front of your own little desk too-but the exchange of ideas with other people just keeps it exciting! 
The first design which you can see on the right is a T-shirt with a print of the two fat twins from Alice in Wonderland. I tried making a kind of suit for the figure which would make it fat and bulky too but for some reason that looked kind of...bizarre (I wonder why?! :D)
so I settled for this print :D btw-don'T you think the head of the figure is kind of similar to the heads of the twins? There is some kind of unintentional resemblance....

Saturday, October 27, 2012

100th Post Anniversary-a sandal

Hello everyone!
First of all-I'd like to thank all of you dear readers who keep faith in me and vvisit my blog every day-I can't explain how much it means to me when people say that my work has inspired them, helped them or they just enjoyed looking through my sketches. It is this blog's anniversary today-together we have managed 100 posts some better some worst and before this becomes horribly cheesy post let's get on with it!
I didn'T actually plan to write this post so late but well I guess you can say I was quite busy today :D I told you yesterday that this weekend I would be visting this workshop for fashion and costume design at our local Volkshofschule-well the first day was awesome already! We started off studying on how to draw the human body and how to change the proportions to create a character (i.e. long and prominent or fat and chubby). Then we chose one of 5 plays which we could use as a theme-mine was Alice in Wonderland (<3) and made a mood board. This was very interesting because well, apart from being my first mood board, it was a new way for me to look at design and I definitely like it. Maybe I will find a way to create more of them and then put them on here too because I think they are just a wonderful way of capturing the feeling, the atmosphere of what you want to create and they are much more effective than texts like this XD
Tomorow we will start actually designing some clothes and when I get home you bet I'll post some here.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Trainers for a Princess

Hi everyone!
I can't wait to tell you-on the weeked I'll be busy doing a fashion and costume design workshop! My first "real" lessons in this field (apart from the usual art lessons at school :D) so I'm really excited what I'll learn! So I'll definitely keep you posted on that :D
So let's get to today's design.Obviously it is a shoe and it is a kind that a few months a go I saw everywhere but wasn't so in love with it yet, and now I'm in love with it and I can't find it anywhere XD

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Laced High-heels inspired by Native American Patterns

Hi! I hope you're all having a nice Thursday evening, I certainly am :D I'll be enjoying the next season of the Voice of Germany tonight so I definitely look forward to that! (Go team Rea! :D)
I don't know why but I took to enjoying drawing shoes-they are so nice, with logical shapes (at least from the side :D) and you can actually draw detailed patterns on them-even though it is very time consuming!
Today's design is of course a shoe and again it is a laced high-heel however it is pretty different from yesterday's.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Laced neon Plateau heels :D

Hi everyone!
I hope you're all doing good-I am even though I see to be quite cold because here in Germany, fall has decided to kick in (one day 20°C-7°C the next...) and I'm not really into the the warm clothes mode yet :D
I was inspired to today's shoes when I watched this video from Diane von Fürstenbürg's Spring Collection (see Inspiration page for the link) and the actual shoes were quite faraway so they looked like different ones. So I picked up that idea and kind of turned it into two differnt shoes (not entirely on purpose XD).

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

a closer look at shoes and feet+a pair of walking boots

Hi there!
As I said yesterday, I chose this weeks theme because I want to imrpove my drawings of feet, especially when you draw them on a person who is standing facing you. THis is often quite tricky because the shape of the foot is kind of disorted because of the angle you look at it-i.e. it is kind of squashed (so it doesn't look as long as it really is). Quite frankly this confuses me everytime I drew feet so here we go-we are going to tackle this problem!
I hinted yesterday that I looked at some videos which explain how to do this. Some good ones can be found here, here and here.
On the right you can see my favorite view-I love how the toes are so round and cute XD (pls don't ask me why!).
However obviously as this is kind of a fashion blog I also drew some with shoes. The first attempts were very horrible and only one turned out to be quite ok so here you go!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Inspirational Monday-Shoemania!!

Hi everyone!
You might have noticed-I cannot draw feet. All the shoes/feet on my figurines from the front look crippled. SO-I decided to do something about it! This week is going to be all about shoes and feet!
I already did some research and watched some videos on "how to draw feet" and "how to draw shoes" (just type it into youtube and you'll find plenty-I especially like the ones by Mark Crilley despite his Manga kind of style).
So here we go ladies (and gents of course! XD)-it is shoe time! :D

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday's DIY lavender pouches for coat hangers

I had to think a lot about today's DIY because finding one about coats wasn't that easy. I mean I embelished a vest before so that wouldn't have been the most original idea and I obviously couldn't have taught you how to make a coat yourselft because well, that would have required a pattern and uploading the whole thing here in the right size would've been rather tricky.
So I looked in my wardrobe for some inspiration wenn my eyes fell on the coat rack over which I had hung a lavender pouch my dear Croatian friend gave me. I love smelling pouches, mainly because they always smell so good and make everything else in the closet smell so nicely but also because they always looks so nice. That's why I decided to make a DIY on them.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Oversized Red "Bond" Cape

It was during a conversation with a friend of mine that we came to the conclusion that the next bond will have to be a woman. No more Daniel Craig, Sean Connery or Pierce Brosnan-no the next one should be Scarlett Johanson (in the Avengers she wasn't that bad so she should manage Bond :D) or something.
To be fair the name James would have to change a little-I guess Jamie would work...and of course the bond-girls would turn into smokin' hot guys and there you go-the perfect recipe for a successfull movie!

Friday, October 19, 2012

long black coat

Hello :D
Today's preview is a little unusual if you have a the theme "coats but I chose the shoes anyway so that in a minute, when you click on "Read More :D" we can concentrate on the coat :D
So they're bright red, have plateau heels and laces!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Black "Fan" Coat

Well hello there :D This next coat is not actually a "fan" coat as in like a football team fan coat but I called it that because just under the bust in fans out into lots of awesome folds :D
This makes the silhouette very feminine and defines the the girls figure-this can be very handy especially when you're tall and thin because it simple gives your silhouette a shape :D (of you know what I mean :D)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Olive Green Parka with Fur Hood

Hello! :D So fiiiirst I have to tell you about my awesome shopping trip today! My amazing friend and I met and we checked out the most awesome stores here in Essen-the fabric store, secondhand store and a vintage store. And we were successful! :D I would post pictures but I would need someone to take the photographs (and definitively an intesive class on modelling) so descriptions will have to suffice!  In the bag was amongst others an oversized camouflaged buttoned shirt/jacket, a plaid blazer (I dare to say a must have this season-we'll see :D), an amazing oversized blue, red, yellow and white sweater (it  kind of has a pattern...-which is hard to describe and stars on it :D) and green fabric to make the parka bellow! :D
I believe you can say that I love shopping (with the right people and in the right places) so let me know if you want me to post more descriptions of things I bargain :D

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Two lovers: the plain black trench and the feminine green blazer coat

Hello :D Yes it is a rather long post title today but I mean-how else are we going to describe these to cuties. He, the again a womanizer-prominent face, masculine beard and a modern hairstyle and her, the cute, nice and more introverted but very affectionate young girl. Isn't that a perfect pair?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Inspirational Monday-Coats

Hello everyone!
Whether they're trenchcoats, overcoats, raincoats, parcas, blazercoats or jackets-we looooove! And because the cold seasons are approaching this week will be dedicated to coats!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday's DIY- Printed facebook meme shirt

Hi my dear readers! Today I have something extra special for you! Sunday's DIY is also face related (even though you can print anything really!) and awesome! :D
So here it is-we are going to print a t-shirt today! And no I do not mean print "out" a t-shirt I mean actually print "on" a t-shirt!
So here's what you need:

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Lots of faces today! XD

Hi there! I hope you're all doing good! :D
To finish of this weeks theme I have lots of faces for you again. These two are just a taster :D

Friday, October 12, 2012

4 in 1 face-pretty fringed girl, grandpa, bearded guy and lipstick lips!

No..this is not a portrait of a pretty blonde with a sorry about that but no...what is it is actually is me trying out something new! More about that when you click on "Read More! :D" (and yes I actually quoted that with the smiley-isn't it awesome?!)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Round glasses+face=?

Hey! I actually achieved something which I'm proud of with this picture-my camera actually recognized this picture as a face! Isn't that awesome? :D (O.O what have they done to me?!)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Superwoman from Stefanels campaign

Hi :D I hope you're all doing good! I had a lovely day today in Düsseldorf and got a new baby :D Perhaps I'll post a picture sometime-it is an amaaazing bag. But well let's get on with the post!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

collection of fAcEs

Hello! So today's post took me quite some time-thats why I hope you enjoy it all the more! As I already said yesterday nothing is more inspiring that people's faces so I kind of started collecting :D Everytime I drew a  new face there was automatically a story in my head behind it which defined the way it looked. Can you find the moustache? :D or the Beatle?:D
I would love to hear what kind of stories they tell you!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Inspirational Monday-fAcEs

Hi there! Can you believe it?! It is Monday again! :D (and the only reason I added a smiley face is because currently I'm on holiday!) This means that it is time for a new motto this week and guess what I chose! fAcEs!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday's DIY fancy Tank Top

Hi! :D Sooooo-I have decided that I will introduce something new today-again! So from now on-Sunday is DIY day! From now on every Sunday I will post a DIY! I'm sorry today's DIY has nothing to do with our motto for this week-Think Pink, but I guess it's the last day of that anyway. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Baggy Trousers

Hi. Well, so I have to say, I watched hip hop movie, I was inspired by the style, I made it pink/purple'ish and here's the outcome.
A baggy pair of trousers, suitable for any kind of dancing, work out or just stroll in the city. Here it is paired with a short tank top.
xoxo Alex

Friday, October 5, 2012

Pink Princess dress! :D

Hello my dear readers! So yes. You knew this post would come. I knew this post would come. So here we are. Of course, when you have a theme like Think need a dress. so here you go! Here is your dress!
Enjoy it :D because tomorow I have something quite different for you! :D
xoxo Alex

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Strapless top with necklace

Hi there! So I long ago noticed that I asolutely adore that when you have very free shoulders in summer e.g. because you're wearing a strapless top or a a top with very thin straps, short simple necklaces with a pendant make the look complete. To top it wooden necklaces in an ethno kind of style are the best!
This is a little bit my go of this trend, a sleeveless simple pink shirt which kind of fans out like a dress at the bottom but ends at the waist and some normal black trousers under it.
xoxo Alex
PS: you can barely see that this is me searching for interesting poses again....XD

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Peplum blazer with pink pencil skirt!

Here comes the next peplum! Hi everyone-so I must admit-I actually kind of fell in love with peplums...which is quite remarkable considering that I hated them when they first popped up on the runways.
So todays "Think Pink" outfit is a little...unconvential. I was flipping through a magazine when I came across a Burberry jacket which inspired me to this one.
The color is a military kind of olive green which looks awesome in contrast with the pink leather pencil skirt. The jacket is closed until the top and is then secured in the waissline with a thin belt. From there the Peplum comes in fanning out over the waist.
I hope you like it!
xoxo Alex
PS: I decided that the black pen I have is to fat for drawing faces and I don't want to keep ruining my ladies with weird looking faces so for the moment they will be faceless but as soon as I find a thinner fibre pen I promise they willt get faces again!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Magazine Strip Skirt

Hello! I hope your all doing good because it is time for the first "Think Pink" design.
You might have noticed yesterday-I suddenly rediscovered my love for collages so I just carried on today.
To put it short-it is a skirt! Made up of lots of thin strips of magazine pages.
I would love to actually try this out in 3D but I guess you would figure out a way to make them stiffen-but I'm sure one could try...maybe I will sometime...
xoxo Alex

Monday, October 1, 2012

This weeks theme-Think Pink!

Hi there! So you probably already noticed because of the title-I have something new in store for you! So I was sitting there, trying to think of new ideas for outfits and tadaaaang I had this inspirational flash...yes the famous flashes again :) well so here it goes...I was looking at my pile of magazines labeled "inspirirations" and I thought about it-when do I actually flick through these anymore? I looked at them a few times, then I new what to expect and they now lay abandonned in the corner of my room. This is where the flash comes in. I suddenly had an idea on how you could pull new designs out of these magazines and photos-cut them up! Thinking about it a little longer I came up with a concept. So here we go..
Every Monday from now on is Inspirational Monday. Here I won't post a new design, piece of clothing or outfit but a new collage of photos from my pile of magazines all related to one topic and then, the whole week until Sunday, all my new designs will be inspired by that and maybe these will help you come up with your own as well! how does that sound to you?
To kick it off, I just took the title of an article I found in one the AW 2012 Edition of LOVE "Think Pink". Now I know this isn't really one of my usual.....inspirational credos I guess because I'm not that much of a pinky girl-but that was kind of the point. To try something new! And I mean-who knows...maybe I'll come up with ways of using pink which...I would actually wear!
So here you go...the first collage for you!
I hope you find it inspirational! XD
xoxo Alex

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