Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pixie cut sketch

Just a quick pen and watercolor sketch of a woman with a pixie hair cut :)
What do you think? :D
xoxo Alex

Monday, April 29, 2013

Magnolias finished piece

Hey :) On Friday I posted a work in progress-well it is done now :D
what do you think?! 
xoxo Alex

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Results from yesterday-Spring

So after yesterdays aperture experiments here are some of the results! :D
noooo-the pavement was not pink :P I just changd it to be like that :D
I changed the colors on all of them :P
xoxo Alex

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Photography Report no.2-aperture

Yay! It's time for the next photography report! :P
This time I'm going to tell you all about what I learned about aperture today.
So basically it is simple-the aperture setting determines how much of your lenses is exposed to light and therefore how much light enters into the camera.
The aperture of your camera is described by the so called f-stop value. If this f-stop value is low, less of the camera's lens is covered (and more light is "stopped"). If it is high then alot of the lens is covered.
Typical f-stop values for compact cameras range between 2-8 while SLR-cameras with portrait lenses can go up to 32.
The aperture is important when one talks about the depth of field in a photo. When the f-stop value is high, the depth of field is quite low meaning that things close to the camera are sharp while things far away appear blury.  For a low f-stop value the depth of field is greater meaning that things in front as well as things in the back are sharp.
Here are two examples-
High f-stop value
Low f-stop value
This means that usually for landscape photos or long distance shots you would use a low f-stop value while when you want to highlight a prominent object or face in the foreground you would use a high f-stop value.

The apeture should not be confused with the focus by the way, this is just a different feature you can use to create a similar effect. I will tell you all about that when we have finished with the exposure settings!
xoxo Alex

Friday, April 26, 2013

Magnolia Work in Progress

I really like where this is going...just very tedious work :D
Do you think when it is done I should add color? and if waht kind? aquarelle? not feltip definetely...what about pastels?
xoxo Alex

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Nailpolish Hair

I found this cool photo of this girl who had a really long black hair which I really liked so I decided to illustrate it. Now the problem was-I was drawing with pen and making large spaces dark with pen is a tedious process which often doesn't look that good. So I looked around and my eyes fell on a nailpolish. Then I knew what to do...:P
xoxo Alex

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Freakin awesome glasses

Hey guys :D
As a person wearing glasses myself I know how hard it is to find one you like :) Here's one I think is freakin awesome!
xoxo Alex

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Adorable old lady

Hey there!
Here's a quick pen drawing with some watercolor of an old lady I met in the Bus on day :) Isn't she adorable?! :D
I love doing these kind of illustrations (not only because for something drawing people seems less pointless than drawing objects as you can always try to capture their character...)
xoxo Alex

Monday, April 22, 2013

Lady with a bob

teheee-what do you guys think of her? I love her classes even though they are a little loopsided :P
I think she need a little color...any suggestions?
xoxo Alex

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The results from yesterday: Sail boats

Well-after yesterdays "photography report" I went out an actually took pictures :D We spent the day at the lake near here, Lake Baldeney, and tried to use what I learned :P
Here are the results!
Hope you like them!
xoxo Alex

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Photography Report 1: Shutter Speed

Hi everyone :D As promised this will be the beginning of a new series :D The "Photography Reports". I firsted wanted to call them Tutorials but that would indicate that I had some kind of clue about what I'm doing (which I don't XD) so yeah-that's why I thought Report was more fitting.
I decided I would always pic one aspect of photography, google it, hopefully know more about it than before, experiment with it and then report to you the results. I hope you'll enjoy it!
So today is all about Shutter Speed.
When you're talking about shutter speed it is usually "measured" in seconds because unlike the name suggest it isn't actually the speed you're talking about but the length of time the lense is exposed to the light.
Now the question is-what can you do with that.
So I guess it is fairly straightforward-when the shutter speed is low, a lot of light comes in and the picture will be lighter. When it is high the light has less time to enter and less light will come in making the picture darker.
High Shutter Speed-Medium Shutter Speed-Low Shutter Speed

You can use the shutter speed to make you're picture lighter an darker-but that is not the only thing it is good for.
For example when you have something moving very quickly and you want a sharp image you want a high shutter speed. The reason for this is when an object moves when the lense is exposed it gets blurry. In order to get a sharp image you therefore need a high shutter speed so you object doesn't move too much during the time you are taking the picture. In this case dropped the dog  in front of the camera with a high shutter speed which created an image where it looked like the dog was suspended in the air!
There are many famous photos which use this technique-I'm sure you've seen ones where a glass is dropped and all the little pieces are suspended in mid air. The photographers used a very high shutter speed to capture that split second.
What's difficult about taking pictures like this, is that you have to anticipate when the object ist in front of the camera because if you simply react the moment will have passed. It takes a while to get the hang of it! :)

You can use the fact that moving objects blur infront of the camera too. This could be done to underline motion or simply make the picture more artistic! If the object you are taking a picture of is not moving and you still want a blur you can also just move the camera. This is what I did here:
 If only the object was moving and not the camera the background wouldn't be blury. Or if the object was still and the object was still the background would be blury and the object sharp.
from here
I found this cool table where you can read what you can do with  different shutter speeds :) click the link for an awesome tutorial!
Endless possibilities as you can see :)
Have fun experimenting! I know I will :P
xoxo Alex

Friday, April 19, 2013

Soldier with Binoculars

This is an illustration of a photo I found on spiegel the other day-it is of a North Korean Soldier looking over to the South Korean side of the border.
I hope that the situation in Korea will improve for everyone very soon!
xoxo Alex

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Retro Motorbike

Love these awesome rides :) I really want one when I'm allowed to try them!
xoxo Alex

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A bit of spring & tough dude

Here's a bit of spring I photographed today :D

oh and a
Or maybe not so tough at all....I was even nice to him-I cut of his all to feminine lips which didn't fit to the beard at all....

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My new Baby!

This is definetely my new baby :D Isn't she freakin amazing?! I really need a name for her!
 If you can't read it on the Pic it is a LUMIX FZ 150 Bridge Camera :)
Ok, so considering that at the moment my knowledge of photography is basically zero I will do it like this. Every Weekend I will pick out one aspect (like I don't know-apeture) and google it, and find out everything about it, test it on the camera etc. Of course I will report to you my finds XD and hopefully my photography skills will improve :D
Here're some testt pictures by the way! They are of Salsa sitting in front of my window ;)
xoxo Alex

Monday, April 15, 2013

Motorcycle with Tree

So-finally I was able to reach my watercolors XD
As promised here is the colorful version of the tree with the motocyle :)
xoxo Alex

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Techno Classica part 2

Here's another one of the babies  found in the magazine :D
Not sure what brand this thing is-it doesn't say! (or maybe it does and I'm just to dumm to find it XD)
I'm not sure whether I should add some colors to her :) what do you think?
xoxo Alex

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Techno Classica Porsche Full

Heyho :)
So here I have the finished Porsche for you :D I d like the way it turned out, kind of different than I expected but hey...
Something is wrong with the proportions of the 2 lights though....Tey look very different...
 I just love drawing cars! :D <3
xoxo Alex

Friday, April 12, 2013

Techno Classica

When my dad came home with the magazine from the fare going on here at the moment, the Techno Classica, I was inspired. They show all kinds of awesome oldtimers which I absolutely adore :) Sorry guys-but not because they are cars as such but because they have so many awesome shapes!
Sorry that I haven'T posted the finished version of yesterday's pic yet btw :D I was so clever and forgot my watercolors again so I'll have to wait till Monday until I can get them!
xoxo Alex

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Motorbike with tree

No this will not say so colorless :D I just left my watercolors at school so I couldn't do the coloring tonight :D
xoxo Alex 
btw-what do you think of the new design?! :D

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Cotelac Spring Summer lookbook (5) aquarelle

Teeehee-I was always scared to try this with the other pen drawings but I actually really like the result :D
All I did was add color with my aquarelle colors <3
The pic is still a little wet but I took it in the studio and I finished it just when I had to go so I couldn't wait for it to dry :)
xoxo Alex

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Cotelac Spring Summer (4)

Ok see-I have a problem with these pen drawings...they don't mean anything. Anyone could do them. Just copy a photograph and then tadaa there you go...
You kind of get tired of them pretty quickly...
I'll have to keep trying out new stuff...
Meanwhile here is another pic from the cotelac lookbook!
xoxo Alex

Monday, April 8, 2013

A pleasant bike ride

Just a random pic I found in a magazine of someone riding a bike :D I like how the head turned out (which was TOTALLY on purpose! ;)) with the huge googely sunglasses.
xoxo Alex

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Vintage Vantalism

I don't know whether you click on the links to the blog on the right (if you don't you really should cuz they're awesome!) but if you do I'm sure you found Vintage Vandalism. Well and she did a post on this Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly/Vintage Carshow event whatever-I'm not quite sure what it is-and she posted some really cool pics :) so what do I do with cool pics?! yes-I illustrate them :) tell me what you think!
xoxo Alex

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The hot guy from GANT

Lol-I love illustrating ads :D this one is from one of my favorite brands GANT (yes I know they are freakin expensive but absolutely adore their stuff so shut up!)
xoxo Alex

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Woman from the Tissot ad

Never heard of this company-I think they make watches or something :) liked the woman in the ad though :D
I'm not sure wether I like this pic....she has a kind of worried face, I have no clue why-but I don't really like it..
xoxo Alex

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The elegance of a lady

Their were many negative points about French aristocracy-their style was not one of them (apart from the hair-I mean seriously?! who would smear all that stuff in their hair?)
Anyway-here's a version which is a little bit more modern :D
This is one of the looks from Ulyana Sergeenko's lookbook which recently was presented on Honestly WTF and I loved it. :D
Maaaaaybe-there will be more :D
xoxo Alex

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Cotelac Srping Summer-Part 3

Ok look-I know these ballpoint-pen drawings, they're nothing really...Just copying a freakin photo...but I like them :D and as long as I find cool photos-I'll keep doing them!
xoxo Alex

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The cat

Heyho :D
sorry I'm so late-AGAIN!
It took me ages, this pic...
If you read the "about" page (or know me ;D) you'll know how much I love cats nd uhm I found this über-cute photo in this magazine...simply had to be illustrated! <3
she turned out a little bit chunkier than in the photo so she is a little more scarey and not that cute but that's probably more of what she intended to be XD
xoxo Alex

Monday, April 1, 2013

Cotelac Spring Summer Part 2

So I've decided that I really like those photos from the lookbook so I illustrated another one today <3 :D
xoxo Alex

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