If you added a very delicately pieced, colorful background to this, it could be awesome-don't you think?
xoxo Alex
I Set myself Kind of a challenge when I did this. As you noticed I've been studying the work of Wilhelm M Busch These Last few days and he manages to make figures and faces into characters. That was my goal, with These next few drawings. I had Photos from the newspaper and tried to illustrate the people, conciously changing things to underline character or stuff that you could count as style. Maybe you'll notice ;-) good night! Xoxo Alex
Love this moment, it was inspired by an Illustration by Wilhelm M. Busch, he is so awesome! :-) good night! Xoxo Alex
I found this Illustration of a female warrior in the Schiller book today. Seriously? Long skirt and Open hair? Well they Don't seem to have been very practice oriented at that Time ;-) sorry for the Bad quality, my Laptop is striking for some reason..xoxo Alex